Wednesday, May 2, 2012

They say its my birthday!

Happy birthday to me!

I have to say that I NEVER thought I'd be managing a yoga studio and teaching yoga at 31.  If you had asked me 10 years ago where I'd be right now, I'd probably have said working for a major technology corporation.

Funny how things change.

But some things will never change.  I am still into sports at much as I was 10 years ago.  Except I coach more and play maybe a 'little' bit less.  I still love music and play my guitar ALL the time...but I also learned how to play the ukulele in the last 10 years...I plan on either learning banjo or harmonica this year to add to my musical skills.

I still love to garden and cook, still love to travel.  So all the things that I think really made me - me still exist in my life.

I had a wonderful birthday.  Went to 529 last night with my mom, brother, aunty and uncle for some steak, oysters, and wine.  Sooooo goooood!  Then today I picked up my baba and she took me out for wonderful quiche and tea.  It made her day to hang out with me for a few hours, which in turn makes my day cause I love seeing her happy.  She talked all about her 'yoga practice', playing cards with her lady friends, how her geraniums NEED to be put outside soon so she wishes it was warmer...all the fun things that I can't wait to talk about when I'm 87.

Only 56 more years.

1 comment:

  1. Well, shoot. I didn't realize you had this post up. Since I already wished you a happy birthday, I don't feel quite so bad though! Hope it was a great one!
