Thursday, April 19, 2012

Yoga, Gardening, and other things.

I finished my first project as part of my Moksha teacher certification on Sunday!  The project was to teach classes and get feedback from the students in your class.

I was very happy to see that all the feedback was very positive.  If there was criticism it was constructive and were meant to make me better which I willingly accept and appreciate.

I also had to give feedback on how I felt after each class, which was neat because looking back I could see my feelings change from the first class to the last class.  I am really beginning to feel more confident teaching but I know there are still some 'nerves' cause I am not completely myself in class.  I know that this will come though and in a few months I will look back at this post and remember the fond times of when I was still nervous. lol!

I'm officially on the teaching schedule, I teach Saturday mornings at 8am!  A little bit of an early start but I can't think of a better reason to get myself up out of bed in the morning.  I'm excited to establish connections with people who regularly take that class and get to know them!  Maybe there will be someone who likes gardening and tea as much as I do.

My next project is to rate my current priorities in life and then compare them to where I'd like those priorities to be.  When I complete the project, I will post it. I'm making it into an art project with glass so it should be cool.

I am also starting to collect wooden pallets.  With our beer orders at the bar, we get a few extra here and there so I'm going to make compost bins out of them for both at the bar and at home.  I am also making a pallet garden (an idea I saw on this neat blog: but for my design I will require something like 24 pallets.  I have until May long weekend to get them all though so there is still lots of time.

Wow, I am really excited to start gardening now!  REALLY excited!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're getting a good feel for your classes. It sounds like you're easing into it quite well!

    I like the pallet garden idea! Not something I'd come up with on my own, that's for sure!
