Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I cannot believe all the things I have accomplished in the last two days.  I officially started my teacher training and there have been so many firsts for me.
I had my first double yoga class today, taught in the beautiful oca which faces the ocean.  You have not done yoga until your focal point has been the ocean.  The energy of 60 plus people is also amazing to share.
Yesterday I meditated for the first time.  I am SO happy I brought a meditation pillow! I have tight hips and one of the main posture tips is to have your knees lower than your hips. (as well as sit upright to keep the natural curvature of your spine). So sitting still isn't as painful as I thought it would be.
I kept focused on my breath for about 12 minutes before I got fidgety.  I figured if I counted 10 slow breaths 10 times that would get me really close to my 15 minute meditation limit. 
I also had a weird experience when I did this one activity.  We were to get a partner and cup their skull in our hands.  Then my focusing and breathing deeply we were to feel the bones in their skull.  Well, I felt poor Amber's brain waves (or something like that) it felt like electricity coursing through my fingertips and my fingers were tingling for about a hour after that. (her right side was really active)
I also had my first experience teaching today.  We partnered up and I partnered with a fellow yogi named Robbie.  I have to say that I wasn't as nerve wracked as I thought I would be but I really have to work on articulating my thoughts and knowing the postures....I've got some homework but I know I can do it now which is a relief.
Today I also scooted my first cockroach out of our cabin.  Our "penthouse suite" has no windows so we get all sorts of goodies in here!!

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